The dressage clinic with David Pincus

At the clinic trainer David Pincus, who is a former member of the Spanish Riding School, concentrated mainly on getting riders to ride their horses through from the back, in a good rhythm and maintaining good consistent contact. With some riders Mr Pincus worked on relaxing their seat without stirrups, and with others for example on ability to estimate the precise tempo in canter just before a flying change. Among the horses participating there were also two show-jumpers, and with these Mr. Pincus focused on jump dressage. The riders enjoyed not just the progressive techniques in lessons, but also the very good refreshments provided, as is now traditional, by the kind Dlábek family. All in all this was a terrific three days of very refined instruction and entertainment at our school. In the evenings the riders also had a chance to draw inspiration from David Pincus's reminiscences of his experiences at the Vienna Court Riding School, in Warendorf or at the stables of Dr. Klimke. We attach a few photographs.